Sidan det no er JAS-månader, skal treet halverast i størrelse. Det vil sei i høgde. Kva skal vi med moreller 4 meter oppe i lufta? Dessutan har treet vore hardt angripe av svarte lus, og blada er krøllete og fæle. Det er nok gammalt og, så kanskje bærberingstida er forbi? Då er i allefall planen at treet skal få stå der som eit klatrestativ for klatreplanter.
What can I say? The plum tree I so proudly photographed while I waited for plums, is indeed a cherry tree. High up in the sky, all were eaten by birds. The tree was invaded by black lice, and a lot of the leaves are curly and ruined. And what do we need cherrys 4 meters up in the air for, anyway? The tree will now be cut to half in size. And if it is too old to remont itself, it will be a climber for climbing plants.
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